The Evolution Of A game

With a match with Ftc gaming, and its a 1 to Luci  and 0 To ftc had bring us to the next era of dota play style. With a lonely supp that is v6 alone , we began to berserk on mid game since cg showed his legendary skills that impress whole team.

Gratz to Luci, Lucifer.AecusIE

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Enchanstress Lucifer.Aecus style.

Its been a long time since the Art style and Chuan picks enchans in most of their games.Since that, Enchans become famous than she could ever believe. In our team, we served new style of Enchans ! Its your choice to judge whatever style of enchanstress play game, but too us enchans is more advantage in farming tri lanes.

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July o8 : Ryoma.My or well known as Aecus.Ryoma.EU returned to the new aecus team called Lucifer.Aecus. It was though day for Lucifer.Aecus team without him. Now that he's back we'll continue searching for the golden key that is #1 and be the best of the best.


July o7 : Aecus team up with Lucifer to form a good team.
Aecus Capt : IEMODE
Lucifer Capt : Vigoss


Jun 28 : Our most important utility player left the team for a certain reason.

Greetings Readers, as you all can see our most important utility player has left us. We're currently trying to be the best of the best with various of draft style, individual skills and teamwork. Aecus team was established on 12 April 2011 and still we dont have enough rosters for a full team. You think you got the skills. you think you got the teamwork power. Join us now !.


IM GONNA INFORM YOU ABOUT HIM, HE WAS WELL TALENTED UTILITY PLAYERS IN OUR TEAM. HE'LL NEVER BE REPLACE BY ANYONE. THE ONE AND ONLY BEST FRIEND. HE IS Aecus.Ryoma.EU. We seperated because of one stupid small problems that is jelousy. Theres no turning back, i'll pray success in his life, daily. Aecus is still struggling to be the best of the best, help us conquer the DOTA world, join us.

-Friday13th.AEC, His best friend.

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